Paintings in the style of jazz improvisation.A motif as a melodic theme is picturesquely arranged with generous and dynamic sweeps of a brush and a palette-knife. The energy of expressiveness vividly exposes the decorative significance of color.

Irina Marsheva, art critic. 2002.Nizhny Novgorod

Getting absorbed in the space of a painting, we first and foremost discover in it the relationships of color – now bright and beaming, now subdued but always rich, sappy and invariably harmonized. Subject loses its conventional value, as it is color, not a theme, that bestows integrity to Natalia Pankova’s pictures; color provides all explanations and whatever justification is needed in her world. Color turns the artist’s works into an enchanting sight that challenges the tedium and the malice of day. This eye-catcher is cherished as a gift, and it lasts bringing with it the frothiness of liberation from routine pains, hardships and vanities…

Vladimir Tseltner, art critic. 1993. Moscow

…The emotional power of Pankova’s pictures also masses in the peculiarities of canvas style. Her best pictures are not just painted but rather assembled as a certain item. There is inherent gorgeousness of complex alterations of surface in the motion of texture and the rhythm of rich strokes. Dense face-work and the glimmer of color and light resemble the physical structure of precious mosaic.

Lyubov Saprykina, art critic.1992.Nizhny Novgorod

The painting of Pankova brings to mind Picasso’s famous maxim about an artist’s innate trait of seeing the world “with the marveled eyes of a child who does his or her first discoveries.” It is the acuity and freshness of her view of the world that emanate charm from Natalia’s works…

Nature is portrayed in Pankova’s pictures as the eternal and immeasurable source of beauty; its images are majestic and dressy. The artist mounts to remarkable virtuosity in her unique manner.

Pr of Fine Arts T. Emelyanova. 2002.Nizhny Novgorod

The first thing to stagger a viewer is the quality of color, its power and vigor... What prepossesses one in the artist’s favor is the particular veracity of her nature, of which a core is an aesthetic imperative of beauty.

Pr of Fine Arts V. Filippov. 1997.Nizhny Novgorod

The quest of the Nizhny Novgorod artist is a rare occurrence. The painting that one is expected to call decorative radiates the conception of man and world and thereby satisfies a contemporary person’s need for emotional, active and visually exquisite art.

Dr of Fine Arts, Pr I. Svetlov. 1999. Moscow